Tinos according to the ancient historians owes its name to its first settler who was called Tinos, being a leader of the Ionian colonists of Caria in Asia Minor who were the first to settle on the island. In ancient literature, the island is additionally known with several aliases: Aristophanes was referred to it as “Skordoforos” from greek “skordo”=garlic and “fero”=bear for Tinos’ fine quality of garlics while Aristotle calls Tinos “Hydroussa” from greek “hydro”=water because of its abundance of springs and water. Later sources also mention it as “Ofiousa” or “Fidousa” in one version because of the large number of snakes that existed on the island of Tinos, although according to younger scholars, the word probably derives from “fides”, the local species of cedar (now only found in Panormos area), which as a strong and durable structural timber, held a special place in the lives of Tinians for centuries. Today, Tinos is known as the “island of Aeolus’ among its residents and visitors because of the strong winds blowing on the island.
In the mythological “universe” of the ancient Greeks, the few references to Tinos, had as a background the highest mountain of the island, “Tsiknias” whose windswept summit (725m.) dominates in the northeastern coast of the island and is visible miles away to sea routes of the central Aegean. There, according to the legend recited by Apollodorus, Hercules chased and killed the two children of the North wind, the winged twins Ziti and Kalain because he had been challenged, and then buried them on top of the mountain. When their father, the North Wind, found out what had happened, he expressed his grief and anger by leaving his children, the winds, free to blow ragingly on this mountain ever since. Several also, are the ancient sources referring to the mountain and mentioning that It Is where the god Aeolus or North Wind was worshipped and where people had founded a sanctuary and a settlement which Is proved by lots of religious findings in the area. Another probable etymology of the name of the mountain derives from the smell of burning meat (tsikna) due to the sacrifices of animals taking place at the time, in honor of the god! Tsiknias is also mentioned in the Homeric epics, as described in the Odyssey, the famous hero Ajax the Lesser, on his return from Troy, shipwrecked in Tsiknias where he was killed by Poseidon because of arrogance. Both mythological narratives aimed albeit for no other; to remind sailors of the time of the strong winds and the risk of passing the Tsiknias…